Yes. Prostitution is defined not only as trading sexual favors for money…but also as offering or agreeing to trade sexual favors for money. Merely soliciting prostitution can be prosecuted as prostitution in Nevada even if no physical touching took place.
In Nevada, the majority of prostitution charges stem from cases where no sex occurred. Often an undercover cop poses as a hooker or a john in an effort to catch someone in the act of soliciting prostitution. Once they get a verbal agreement to exchange sex for cash, the policeman will arrest the hooker or john.
Prostitution is a misdemeanor in Nevada. The penalty includes:
- up to 6 months in jail, and/or
- up to $1,000 in fines.
For a first offense, the D.A. may be willing to dismiss the case in exchange for a fine and completion of an education class on the dangers of prostitution and AIDS. Read more information on the Nevada crime of soliciting prostitution.